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Date d'édition : 2023/11/09




What is this article about ? The movies Avatar and Avatar the way of water are related. We know the realisator James Cameron created a wonderful world with a new population, a new language and a whole new biodiversity. A lot of things are related and the theories are blowing up on social media. We are presenting you few theories to make you see James Cameron's genius mind. If you never watched the first movie, here is its trailer.


Scenaritic similarities !

There are scenes that look alike in both movies. They are realised with different characters, animals and places but they still can be reconised. I found some of them by myself.

1) The avatars awakening : In the first movie, Jake discovers the avatar he inherited from his brother. When he first shift, (=transferts his mind into the avatar's body) we can see flashes of light from the doctors and there is a close up to his eyes opening.
In the second one, we can see Quaritch in the same conditions, opening his eyes in the NDA laboratories.

2) There is a parallel between Jake being chased by a palulukan and Lo'ak being chased by an aluka. In the first movie, when Jake makes his first excursion in the forest, he gests chased by a palulukan and end up jumping in a lakefall from a cliff.
In the second movie, there is a scene where Lo'ak gets purchased by an aluka.
There is the exact same scenario in both movies : Jake hides in the roots of the trees and Lo'ak hides in corals.

3) The scenes where Jake and Quaritch bounds (Tsaheylu) with their ikran are quite similar. First, Jake is learning with Neytiri. When Neytiri think he is finally ready to bound, they climb the alleluia's mountains to the Ikran's territory accompagned with Tsu'Tey and his apprentices. The Ikrans chose their hunters by trying to kill them. If the hunters survive, they are brave enought to ride them. Jake has been chosen by an ikran and fight with him. When the ikran calms down, he let jake be on his back and listen to his orders. Jake named him Bob. Neytiri pushes Bob to fly with Jake. The first fly is the most important : it seals the bound. They fall and reconciles.
In the second movie, Quaritch is guided by his son Spider to the Ikran's mountains. They don't really get along so Spider tricked him and didn't tell Quaritch how to bound because they act aggressive. He jumped over the ikran that chosed him, tries to bound and fall dowm in the void. He ends up coming back to the cliff, flying in harmony.

This is what Tsaheylu looks like :


Let's talk a little bit more about the Na'vis

Neytiri is the one that taught everything to Jake. He had to learn their way to survive in the forest : how they walk, climb, eat, hunt, ride, think, learn about their goddess, etc. First, he learned how to ride a Pa’li : a six legged horse type animal. They still bound with Tsaheylu. While this training, he discovers the forest, the na’vi’s tradition in the forest and their culture.
( In the second movie, there is a similar scene : Jake and his family learn the reef people’s way, starting by learning an ilu (for the kids) or a skimwing (for Jake). Neytiri doesn’t learn how to ride a new beast and prefers to stay in her comfort zone with her ikran.)

The people regularly connect to the spirit tree, praying or going to see their deceased family members or friends in Eywa. Jake has been introduced to the spirit tree by Neytiri the same way their kids have been introduced to Ranteg Utralti (the reef’s people underwater spirit tree).
Who is Eywa ? She is the god of the Na'vis, she cary every of her creation in her heart. They believe she created everything on Pandora. The energy is only borrowed (to Eywa) and has to be given back one day. When somebody dies, their loved ones can still talk to them throught the spirit tree. The spirit tree is a place where the spiritual connection with the goddess is so strong that it corrupts the gps navigation system of the RDA (the human's army). Again, to see their deceased loved ones, the people must use Tsaheylu with a liana.
This is what the spirit tree looks like :

The prayers are directed by the Tsahik (the spiritual leader of the clan). During the prayers, the people sing and hold hands, make repetitive movements to guide the energies. They can ask for something more personal to the spirit tree in individual prayers with Tsaheylu, where they can talk to Eywa herself. They know they are listened to when atokirina is near them. An Atokirina is a seed from the spirit tree. It is a very pure spirit, it can guide the Tsahik when she has to make a decision. For exemple, an atokirina helped Mo'at to chose Jake's destiny. He was supposed to be killed because he's a dreamwalker (this is how the people call the pilots of avatars). He got surrounded by them and was saved.

A new language